All Successful Wax Appointments Focus On This One Thing
From speed to technique and pre/post-wax steps, we’ve always preached that there are some pretty important steps that work together in all successful wax appointments. The reality is cut corners and you’ll end up providing a whole different experience—and not necessarily a good one. While the best wax skills include confidence, practice, speed, good technique, and superior products, there is one thing that ultimately contributes to all successful wax appointments—and it may not be what you think.
Let’s Get Real
While it may seem like clients with hair or skin that is different than yours is harder to wax, it’s just not true. Waxing challenges actually are a combination of hair and skin, which is why it’s important to approach each waxing session on a client by client basis. Skin type can vary from thin to thick and can range from being reactive to sensitive, which means understanding skin type is important. With hair, the truth is the amount of hairs per square inch is what makes the actual treatment more painful, not the type of hair (pain tolerance plays a role too).
Timing is Everything
Drum roll, please. The truth is the one thing that will lead to a successful wax appointment is hair length. That’s right. Hair length. It’s very important to have the hair be the correct length for a successful waxing. Educate your clients so they understand they must be on a regular wax schedule, and then come in every three weeks after shaving or four weeks after waxing. Following this schedule ensures enough length which leads to a smoother wax and fewer issues. Regular waxing (every four weeks) with no shaving and great home care will get every client the long term results they want: beautiful, smooth, stubble-free, dang near hairless skin.
Keep Reactions Under Control
So, let’s say your client has a reaction? The most common reactions tend to be at the beginning of the client’s wax schedule. The first four to six months of seeing a client are the most critical in educating them on what reactions can happen and how to treat them. For example, curly hair tends to get inflamed ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Ingrown hairs can really be an issue for anyone if they don’t leave enough time for a ¼ inch hair growth or pre and post home care is not followed. With face, back, and chest wax treatments, you’ll often see breakouts when they begin waxing. Timing is key here again, and you want to make sure they come in every four weeks like clockwork. This allows for the skin to acclimate to the wax treatment. Good home care is also important with these treatments, with the use of a blemish control solution starting the day they get waxed and every day until the breakouts are gone.