Here’s Why Clients Should Leave the Pimple Popping to the Pros

Facts: those pimples are hard to resist for all of us. The truth is when they show up, we all want to squeeze it, really squeeze it. And while everyone knows you should let a pimple run its natural course, expecting your clients to leave it alone and not pop it for three to seven days? That’s a lot to ask. As skincare professionals, we know the negative effects popping pimples can have on the skin, but are your clients clear on why it’s best to leave the pimple popping to the pros? Educate them on these pimple popping facts and why the proper technique will avoid scarring, more acne and even infection. 


Reason 1: There’s a right and a wrong way.

While it may seem simple enough to squeeze pimples or blemishes at home, there is a right way to remove acne. A professional facial treatment that includes extractions is done in a sterile environment with gloves and the proper equipment. Tuel recommends using a pre- and post-extraction solution as part of your facial treatment to maximize results. Pre-extraction solution preps the pores, softens congestion, and will ease the removal of hardened dead cells and debris, making extractions smoother and less painful. After extracting is complete, apply a post-extraction solution designed to soothe the skin. Using an antioxidant toning solution infused with botanicals such as hazel and dandelion, it will stimulate circulation while detoxifying and soothing open pores. 


Reason 2: At home pimple popping can lead to scarring.

Pimple popping with unwashed hands and unsanitary tools can lead to scarring and infection. It typically also makes the problem worse—now all that squeezing has turned a small blemish into an angry, oozing mess. And while they should leave all their pimples alone, advise your clients to never pop or self-extract  inflamed acne. This type of acne is deeper in the skin and may be more likely to cause scarring or infection. Infections happen because by squeezing a pimple they can actually push the bacteria deeper into the skin, increasing inflammation which can lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in the form of dark spots.

If they must pop that pimple, teach them to only pop whiteheads, and preferably only after just getting out of the shower. Remind them to wrap their fingers in cotton (not tissue) and press only the edges before blotting. If there isn’t a whitehead on the pimple they should resist the temptation to squeeze until they’ve gotten the entire head out. By then the damage to the skin around the pimple is done, often leading to scarring.

Reason 3: It can cause to more acne.

Popping a pimple can delay the body’s natural healing process, so while they may think popping it means it will go away, it will make it last longer. And what about that satisfying “pop” they get when squeezing? Well, remind them all that bacteria, pus, oil, and dead skin cells are now on their face, potentially infecting their other pores. 

Home Care That Works:

Remind your clients that patience today will lead to better skin tomorrow. Instead of trying to pop their pimples, have them shift their focus to practicing a good skincare routine while their skin heals. Some tips for a skincare routine for acne include: 


  • Cleanse: Depending on skin type, we recommend either a gel or milk cleanser. If they suffer from acne and dry skin, the goal is to keep the skin hydrated while targeting inflammation and bacteria that cause acne. An all-natural milk cleanser will keep skin calm and balanced. If they have oily skin, consider a gel-based cleanser designed to suppress and eliminate acne-causing bacteria while controlling excess oil. 


  • Apply a Serum: Your clients might be surprised about the benefits of applying a serum to the skin during a breakout but remind them the goal is to not dry out the skin but treat it. The right serum can help heal inflamed skin, soothe redness and irritation, clear active breakouts and prevent future ones. 


  • Use a Blemish Control Gel: This is where they get things under control. Using a blemish control gel will suppress acne-causing bacteria and regulate oil production without drying out or damaging the rest of the skin. 


  • Protect and Heal: Finally, they should never skip applying sunscreen, even during a breakout. Recommend one that is oil-free that will protect and hydrate the skin while balancing oil production. At night, have them replace the sunscreen step with a moisturizer designed just for their acne skin type.