Shutting Down Again? Here’s How to Keep Your Clients Engaged

Is your salon ready for a second wave of COVID-19 closures? While the first round was TOUGH, we’ve learned a few things along the way, and we’re ready this time. Check out these tips for how to keep your clients engaged, your business thriving, and your own sanity during another shutdown. 


Stay in Touch

This is a relationship business, and fortunately we live in a digital world which makes it easy to stay in touch with your clients even when you can’t see them in person. They’re still dealing with all the same challenges they were when they were seeking treatments, so find ways through social media, email, and texts to help them through their skincare issues. Some ideas include:


  • Use a program such as Mailchimp to easily build a client database and then create email templates filled with information you can send them. From skincare routines, to the correct order to apply skincare products to specific skincare issues (think anti-aging, acne-prone and sensitive skin), to product recommendations (why not boost your retail sales right now?), personalized email campaigns designed to inform and educate your clients can go a long way in keeping your business top of mind.


  • Think of social media as your lifeline during COVID-19. It’s here you can engage with your clients in real time, create a personal experience, and increase loyalty. Utilize Facebook or Instagram Live to show how to use products, educate and even answer questions. This is also a great time to learn more about how social media advertising can boost your client base and increase retail revenue. Affordable, targeted and measurable, advertising on Facebook and Instagram gives many small businesses the boost they need at a price they can afford.


  • Did you know studies show that while emails are opened 20% of the time, SMS messages are opened 98% of the time? Sounds like a great time to start a text message marketing campaign. There are many apps that offer a way for you to send SMS messages to your customers without a lot of effort on your part. Be sure to look for an app that is not only easy to use, but offers true two-way communication and is affordable to get started but easy to scale as your business grows. Then create a marketing strategy that is educational and revenue driven so your clients get the information and products they need while staying at home.